Infos :
Developer : Noir
Lenght : 2H
Type : Nukige
Age : +18
More details : Getchu - VNDB
To buy this game : DLsite
Download the patch
We only release the english patch of this VN. You have to buy the game (in japanese) to use it.
Team :
TL / Edit : le nuage
QC / English correction : DarkLordZaph, Tanto
Special thanks to Ixrec (TL check) and Koi no Densetsu
Description :
I have a little sister...
She's cute. She's my cute little sister Rin.
Our parents got married and we became a family.
However... Recently I started to feel strange.
Now I feel lust for Rin.
I just see your body or touch it and I got an hard on...
Haaa... Rin... You're so cute Rin...
I think I've reached my limit...
Screens : 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5